DTL – Danish Tattoo Guild.

Est. 1990.

DTL was established in 1990 by a group of Danish tattoo artists, who wanted to create standards for professional tattooing, focusing on safety and hygiene.

Since the beginning DTL has been a quality brand, -and since the beginning DTL has been an ambassador for the sacred craft and artform, tattooing.

The need of a strong and serious trade organization has only grown since then. Tattooing is everywhere today. Everyone has one or more tattoos, most young people are heavily tattooed, and everybody wants to be a tattoo artist. Everyone can buy a tattoo-kit and start from scratch.

DTL is here to educate on health and safety, when choosing a tattoo artist.

The still growing exposure of our craft finally opened the eyes of the authorities: Something needed to be regulated by law, for the safety of clients and tattoo artists.

January 1st 2019 we finally got the law. A law that says that all shops in Denmark need to be registered, and all working tattoo artists can only work legally, when being registered at such a place (i.e. a registered shop). A registered shop is undergoing certain regulations regarding hygiene and a safe environment, registration of the use of colors and so on. It is all in the hands of the Dept. of Safety (Sikkerhedsstyrelsen), to make sure tattoo artists follow the regulations.

DTL is working with Danish authorities to influence future regulations. The new legislation has a huge DTL footprint on the form.

DTL is also represented in ESTP – European Society of Tattoo and Pigment Research.

Our ongoing aim is to make tattooing as safe as possible for our clients.

Being a member of DTL you will experience being in a network of professional tattoo artists. We share knowledge and important information.

DTL is a democratic organization, with a board up for election every second year. Everyone in the board works for free.

How to become a member of DTL:

Some of our demands are:

  • You need to be ”REGISTRERET TATOVØR” (registered tattoo artist according to Danish law), in order to become a member of DTL.
  • You have been working as a professional tattoo artist in Denmark for minimum 3 years (documented).
  • You live and work in Denmark.

If you would like to be a member of DTL, please contact our chairman, Frank Rosenkilde by e-mail for further information: formand@dansktatovoerlaug.dk.

We will then get back to you asap.

Membership will cost you, pr. year:

Tattoo artist: 800 DKK
Apprentice: 400 DKK

Our vision for DTL:

  • We are tattoo artists, DTL is for tattoo artists only.
  • We enjoy the company of good colleagues, and we support each other by all means.
  • We honor our craft, because we care about the past and present our craft.
  • We are the pioneers of good ethics, and in loving remembrance of the oldtimers, who paved the way.

AL 04/19